The Truly Super Yashica TL Super.

The year is 1966. The Beatles have performed their last concert before a paying audience. Star Trek a new sci-fi series has aired for the first time on Amercian TV. The Football World Cup sees England fans very happy. It is also the year the Yashica TL Super was released.

Yashica TL Super Front

If you like heavy cameras, nearly 2lbs with a 50mm Pentacon f1.8 lens, then the TL Super is worth considering.

Yashica TL Super Top

A very ordinary looking top plate with no great surprises, except for the 1000th sec top shutter speed.

Yashica TL Super Mirror Up

Mirror lock-up and shiny self timer buttons. Nice 🙂

Yashica TL Super Meter

Through the Lens metering is accomplished by pushing the button down engaging, the aperture pin on the lens, allowing the camera to meter at your chosen aperture.

Yashica TL Super Bottom

What impressed me most about this camera, aside from the fact it takes screw threaded M42 lenses, is the fit and finish of this camera. This is illustrated no better than on the base of the camera. Not exactly something that you would normally consider. Just look at the film release latch. No ordinary pull up the film rewind crank here. The battery compartment too oozes care and craftsmanship.

But what is the camera like to use? (Spoiler alert Very Very nice in deed.)

Yashica Electro Super Strawberry Plants

Anybody for strawberries? You’ll have to wait!

Yashica Electro Super Woodland

I normally test out the light meter before I try my cameras but on this occasion I forgot. I did not have to worry. Not bad for a 50+ old camera. To get the correct exposure, you first have to turn the meter on with the button on the front of the camera which activates the match needle system. Pushing the shutter button down half way causes the aperture to close down to whatever aperture it is currently set on. I liked the way that when you release the shutter button, the aperture stays closed down while you try to get the meter needle to rest between over and under exposure scale. A match needle arrangement. To take the photo requires a final push of the shutter button.

Yashica Electro Super Goose

Aside from the Pentacon 50mm lens, I used a rather ordinary Hanimex 80-200mm f4. I haven’t used this lens a lot but I was interested in its macro capabilities. Based on my experience with this camera I will be looking to use it again.

Yashica Electro Super Tree

No surprise that with 2/3 of the above photo with a bright sky the ground is underexposed but not unpleasantly so, me thinks.

Yashica Electro Super Swans

How cute is that? Swans and Signets

Yashica Electro Super Azalea

While the Azaleas have been a little late this year they are still very impressive.

Yashica Electro TL Super Coffee

All this image making has made me thirsty. Time for some homemade refreshments. Jam or cream??

Yashica Electro TL Super Scones

This has got to be one of the most enjoyable times out with a camera I have had. Why? One factor has got to be a well crafted camera that just gets out of the way and allows you to get on with the job at hand. This camera/lens combination just sits right in my hand almost willing me on to take photos. Yes it is heavy and substantial but that’s the way I like it! The camera film wind-on is smoooooth and the shutter releases with a satisfying clack 🙂

I’ve tried a few Yashica’s now and while I have enjoyed them all this one has to be the best yet. However I have a few to try, so let’s see. But at this moment in time, if you have an opportunity to try/buy one of these, I would definitely recommend you do it.

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